Lefkos Kyriacou qualified as an architect in 2005 and currently lives and practices in London. Over the past decade he has worked on projects for a variety of educational, community and religious client bodies. Lefkos spent seven years at the award-winning Cottrell and Vermeulen Architecture and is in the process of establishing his own architectural practice.
Since 2005, Lefkos has worked as a researcher for Conflict in Cities as the coordinator of visual research for the project, focussing on Jerusalem but also working on a number of other contested cities in Europe and the Middle East including Belfast, Nicosia and Mostar. He produced the maps and drawings for the forthcoming edited volume Locating Urban Conflicts: Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Everyday and is a co-author of The Struggle for Jerusalem’s Holy Places, both of which are to be published in 2013.
Lefkos is Director of Studies for Architecture at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge and has been appointed a Teaching Bye-Fellow for the 2013-14 academic year.
Completed research
2005-2007: Research Assistant for Conflict in Cities: Architecture and Urban Order in Divided Jerusalem in the Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge. Principal Investigator: Dr Wendy Pullan. Funded by the ESRC.
2007-2013: Research Associate for Conflict in Cities and the Contested State: Everyday life and the possibilities for transformation in Belfast, Jerusalem and other divided cities at the Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge. Principal Investigator: Dr Wendy Pullan. Funded by the ESRC.
Visual Research
Lefkos has contributed visual material to more than 25 publications to date including academic journals, articles, policy briefing papers and books. This includes a large number of original maps and drawings, collaborating widely with architects and academics from other disciplines in Cambridge and other UK universities. Selected examples:
Pullan, W. & B. Baillie (eds.) (forthcoming 2013) Locating Urban Conflicts: Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Everyday. (London: Palgrave)
Pullan W. (2011) ‘Frontier Urbanism: the periphery at the centre of contested cities’, The Journal of Architecture, 16.1, pp.15-35, special issue on architecture and conflict.
Dumper, M. & W. Pullan (2010) ‘Jerusalem: The Cost of Failure’. Chatham House Briefing Paper. London, Chatham House: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, February 2010. (
Selected Conference and Workshop papers
Kyriacou L. (2010) ‘Using Drawing to Research Contested Cities: Spatial Representation of Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate.’ Thinking, Doing and Publishing Visual Research: The State of the Field? IVSA Conference, Bologna, 20-22 July.
Kyriacou L. (2010) ‘Mapping Possibilities.’ Abart Workshop on Mapping Methods, (Re)collecting Mostar, OKC-Abrasevic, Mostar, 30 November-3 December.
Kyriacou L. & M. Gwiazda (2011) ‘Visualising Policy? The Case of Dividing Jerusalem’ Urban Conflict International Conference, Queen’s University Belfast 21 May 2011.
Pullan, W., M. Dumper, M. Sternberg, C. Larkin & L. Kyriacou (forthcoming 2013) The Struggle for Jerusalem’s Holy Places. Routledge. (
Kyriacou, L & Pullan, W. (2013) Jerusalem’s best laid plans: the amphitheater and square at Damascus Gate. In M. Casanova and C. Boonekamp (eds.) Palestine: Urban Travel Log. Munich: Institute for International Architecture Documentation GmbH & Co. KGz
Pullan, W. & L. Kyriacou (2009) Reconciling ideological urban visions with everyday city spaces: Contradictions in the work of Charles Ashbee. Jerusalem Quarterly, vol. 39: 51-61. ISSN: 1565- 2254. (